Our members enjoy participating in many of the church’s activities such study group and Uniting Church Adult Fellowship, Sunday School and Youth Group.
Pastoral Partners Program
The Pastoral Partners are an active group of devoted folk who help care for the people of our church family. The group meets regularly for education, support and prayer on a wide variety of subjects. The meetings are set in a relaxed atmosphere and usually follow a delicious shared meal. Being a Pastoral Partner is a great opportunity to participate in a crucial ministry of Christ and the church community. We learn lots, share much, cry a little, laugh a lot and grow in faith and wisdom!
Study Group
Come and meet the friendly people in the Study Group who gather at the church to take time out from their busy lives by reflecting on God’s word. They are there each Tuesday of the school term from 9:30am to 11am sharp (always finishing on time). Just come along, or ring Kerrie Birch: 0409 530 327 for more details.
Fair Trade Stall
On the first Sunday of each month, we have a fair-trade stall when members of the congregation are encouraged to consider the origins of goods they purchase. Many of the goods are hand made by a community in Lao and include, bags, table mats, aprons and oven mitts.
Pinjarra Community Kitchen Inc
The Pinjarra Community Kitchen is designed to provide people in need with a meal. It is open every Tuesday, 11.00am – 1.00pm, at the Alliance Church, opposite the bakery in George Street.
This is a joint church initiative which involves five local churches. The Alliance Church, The Family Church, The Catholic Church, The Anglican Church and the Uniting Church. St. Vincent De Paul also provides their support.
We provide a free sausage sizzle (also soup in the winter months) to anyone in need. Everyone is welcome, shower facilities are also available. We share a friendly, non-threatening environment for people to get to know each other.
Sunday School
Sunday School meets every Sunday of the school term, the children stay for the first part of worship, then proceed to Sunday School after the early word. Sunday School concludes at the same time as worship. 2021 saw the Sunday School concept change to an Early Word for the teenage students.
Youth Group (High School aged Children)
Youth group for 2025 with be held every 2nd and 4th Saturday at 6:30pm of the school terms for high school students. There will be a small charge of $2 each week per youth, this year, to cover some of the costs. The first get together will be at the Morrell farm in Fairbridge for a Bring and Share meal and a great time of fellowship and catching up after the Holidays. Please NOTE: start time change to 5pm for this event.
The program:
Term 1
Saturday 8th February: 5pm Start Bring & Share meal and fellowship at the Morrell farm
Saturday 22nd February: Creeds, What Are They?? Guest speaker Neil Illingworth.
Saturday 8th March: Mars Bars VS The Trinity. Guest speaker Trevor Thomas.
Saturday 22nd March: Scripture First Aid Guest speaker Arthur Morrell.
Saturday 12th April: Mission Ambition! Guest speaker??
Term End
Some of our youth have expressed their desire to be Bapitsed and or Confirmed. It is our hope that this will happen on Sunday 26th April 2025. This is to be confirmed.
Term 2
Saturday 10th May: Newspaper Night
Saturday 24th May: Lets Go Bananas!!!
Saturday 14th June: Backwards Night (please come dressed with clothes on back to frontJ)
Saturday 28th June: Fantastic Fun and Food Night!! Special Guest: Sylvia Smith will teach Indonesian Cooking!
Term End
This is a brief rundown of our program, it is our hope that new friendships will be made and ones already formed will be strengthened. There is always lots of fun, fellowship, and food!!
Kindest Regards,
Karen Burke 0400 728 284
Kerrie Birch 0409 530 327