Corner George Street and Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra WA 6208


Strong On Your Feet

Exercise Program "Strong on your Feet" Exercise classes are held weekly on a Wednesday morning in the Church Hall and run by the Peel Branch of the Seniors Recreational Council of WA Inc. The program caters for people with varying levels of fitness, mobility and/or medical conditions including those who require aids for walking but ... Read more

Holy Communion Services at Bedingfeld Nursing Home

Services start at on the third Wednesday in April, July and October. 17th April' 17th July and 16th October. The service includes hymns, short message and Holy Communion.

Sunday Worship

Sunday 22nd December 2024. Service starts at 8.50 am -10.15 am Worship Leader Kerrie Birch. There will be an "early word" with the children.

Christmas Day Service

Wednesday 25th December 2024, Christmas Day. Service starts at 9.00 am Worship Leader Trevor Thomas